Favorite Pictures!
I'm kind of bummed because my new camera that I got in February is having issues. The lense won't open so I can't take any new pictures. I have to send the camera into Sony for a partial warranty repair. They will cover parts but I still have to pay $129 for the labor (which I think is totally unfair because it is still pretty new, but ohh well that's life). So I've decided to post some of my favorite pictures of my kids. That way, people who don't live around us can still see how they've grown.
Nicholas is turning 11 on August 26th, Ellie turns 3 on Dec. 10th and Aiden turns 2 on August 9th. Enjoy!
This is a pretty recent picture of Aiden. He's turned into such a happy baby (the first 7 month's were grueling...colic sucks!).
These pictures were taken right before Easter. She's such a little princess!
I couldn't resist this picture of Nicholas. He was a punk for Halloween last year. The picture doesn't do the costume justice. He had piercings all over his face, a huge mohac, and all the jewelry to go along with it. I can just imagine in a couple of years him wanting to dress like this all the time! By the way, he is flipping the camera off....that little punk!