Sunday, February 04, 2007

Happy Day!

Happy 31st Birthday to Lindsay!

I had great intentions to take pictures of this great celebration of a day, but I got a killer cold and didn't feel much like snapping pictures. In fact, by the time I had made it over to my parents house for my Birthday lunch I was an absolute mess. I was a 31 year old crying baby. I have serious issues with getting sick and not being able to function like a normal person. Getting the kids bathed and dressed just about knocked me over and then getting myself ready to go put me over the edge. It sounds stupid, but this cold put me on an emotional roller coaster.

Putting this miserable cold aside, it really has been a nice birthday weekend. Rick took me out to lunch and dinner yesterday and then today I had lunch with my parents and dinner with my in-laws. So much for the diet this weekend! Rick did get me a new pair of tennis shoes for my birthday so I'll guess I'll have to start working out again and burn off all this food I gorged on this weekend!

Once I get over this near-death cold, I'll start snapping some more pictures. No more excuses!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Lindsay! You will always be a teen-ager in my eyes.