Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Merry Christmas!
This year there will be no Christmas cards. Not like I ever really got around to doing Christmas cards in past years! However, I thought a virtual Christmas card/letter on my blog site would be a great way to keep everyone updated. So here it goes, here's the run down on all of the Dains family.
Rick is still working at Home Depot. He was recently moved from working the midnight shift back to working days. Working 10pm-7am and then having to take care of the kids all day just about killed him! I am still with Wireless Resources. This August will be my 5 year anniversary.
This year Rick and I spent time re-doing our house. We tore out the carpet in our dining and living room and put down hardwood. Rick also installed a fence all around the back yard. It kept the dog in for the short while that we had her!
Nicholas is in the 5th grade this year. The child is almost taller than me! Nicholas' passion in life is computer/video games. What ever happened to Pac-Man and Dig-Dug? The games these days are so involved!!! Nicholas has also spent this year working on his money collection. I've always said if one of my kids is going to be rich someday it will be Nicholas! He collects everything from coins and currency from other countries to unique money finds. He's a good kid.
Ellie is my princess! She is so stink'in sweet. She just had her 4th birthday. Ellie is most known for her unique style. This girl will change her outfit 10 times a day. Sometimes she'll wear numerous outfits all at once. It's not rare to find her wearing her bathing suit under outfits, just in case some one might want to go for a swim (it's freak'in cold here.....the girl is such an optimist!).
Aiden just turned 2 years old. He is the spitt'in image of his father. He loves any thing sports related and anything that is boyish. He is also a very tender little boy. Every day this month that little sweetie has wished me a Merry Christmas! I guess he's really excited for Santa to come!
This year I've learned a lot. Most importantly I've learned to be thankful for all that I've been blessed with. I hope that 2007 brings happiness to all my friends and family! (I know that was a little cheesy, but what the hell, it's a Christmas card!). Merry Christmas!
Posted by
Dains Family
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Rick's IQ
Rick is smarter than we all thought! After a long night and a very full stomach from eating at Red Robin Rick finally agreed to take an IQ test. I thought for sure he wouldn't score higher than me.....I guess this is what I get for being so arrogant!
Posted by
Dains Family
Friday, December 15, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
How Smart Are You?
I can only imagine how bright I really am. Let me explain, while I was taking that IQ test I had Aiden literally climbing all over me, Ellie rollerskating in the dining room in the buck, and the TV blaring in the background. I should also mention that it's only 8am.....not that that's a huge factor, but I haven't really even woken up yet. I'll just assume that I'm much brighter than the test has marked me as.
Posted by
Dains Family
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Posted by
Dains Family
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Apple Pie

Posted by
Dains Family
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Nothing New!
Posted by
Dains Family
Monday, November 06, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Ellie's Look Alikes
I just couldn't stop myself from posting Ellie's look-a-likes. Take notice that another Osborne made it on the chart!
Posted by
Dains Family
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Celebrity Look Alike
Rick was listening to the radio this morning and heard about a website that you could put your picture on and then it will tell you who which celebrity you look like. I'll been having soooo much fun! I had to post my picture because I thought it was so histerical. I can't believe I look like the Osborne kid. I've been doing it all night with picture after picture. If you want to try it, the website is Have fun!
Posted by
Dains Family
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Fall in Michigan!
Autumn in Michigan is the most beautiful time of year! We spent the day getting our yard ready for the will be here way too soon!
Nicholas had a blast buring the leaves and Ellie and Aiden were content playing soccer with their Dad. It was a gorgous day!
Posted by
Dains Family
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
Casey Sky
My niece, Casey Sky, made it into this world without any trouble! She is a beautiful little girl. She weighs 6lbs 14oz. She looks just like her sister! I can't believe how amazing my sister-in-law looks after delivering a new baby! Congrats!
Posted by
Dains Family
Friday, October 06, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
New Baby!
I figured it's time to move on from those dreary previous posts! I have some extremly exciting news, my baby niece is being born today!!!!! I love watching our family grow. I'll post pictures and details as soon as I hear. Congratulations Steven & Candice & Family!!!!
Posted by
Dains Family
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Foot Prints
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:
"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."The LORD replied:
"My son, my precious child,I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering,when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."
This poem always makes me cry....
Posted by
Dains Family
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I won't go into details, but this has been one of the most trying years of my life. Just when I think things can't get worse, they do. I've been thinking a lot about that "Foot Prints" poem where it talks about life getting too hard and having the Lord carry you. The Lord is carrying me right now!
There is one thing in my life that has always brought comfort/joy/stability. As stupid as it sounds it has been Sunday dinners at my moms. We have always (since birth) eaten Sunday dinner as a family. My mom has still continued that tradition even though we're all grown and out of the house. This past Sunday she made the most incredible Shepard's Pie. I have yet to come across anyone that can make a better dish! I had my dad take a picture of it because not only did it taste amazing, it also looked amazing! The dish stood 7 inches high!!!! My mom really knows how to cook!
Posted by
Dains Family
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I'm such a blond! Rick and I took the kids up to Franenmuth this past weekend and of course I forgot the camera. I forgot the camera because Saturday morning I woke up and went outside to get my paper and what did I find on my front porch....a baby kitty. So of course I had to take pictures of the little kitty. With all of the excitment the camera was left on the counter.
Franenmuth was a blast. We went through a mirror maze, rode pony's, went on a hayride, walked through Bronners (a Christmas all year store), ate tons of fudge and popcorn, and did tons of walking around town. I would have had a ton of cute pictures...but oh well, there's always next time!
I will share some pictures of the baby kitty (which ended up belonging to a kid down the street). You'll have to excuse Ellie's fro....when you've got curls you have good days and bad days! By the way, if your wondering why Nicholas isn't in any of these pictures it's because that kid will sleep till the moon comes out...pre-teens are so much fun!
Posted by
Dains Family
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Ok- I searched all night and finally found the picture of me prior to the ballet recital (as you can tell the tights are still dry!). It's a little on the goofy side, but hey, we can all use a good laugh!
Posted by
Dains Family
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
My Dancing Queen
My little girl started dance tonight! As many of you already know, if you have the Bithell genes then you are a born dancer! If you doubt that comment just ask Tom Bithell to do a little dance and you'll see what I mean.
Ellie will be going to tap/acrobat every Monday night. In June she'll have a recital (we went to the neighbors recital last June and surprisingly it was very cool!).
I'll have to scan in the photo of myself when I took ballet a couple of decades ago. It is probably the most ridiculous picture that anyone has ever seen. I would have been the most beautiful ballet dancer, but at my first recital I accidently wet my pants on stage. It wasn't nerves, I just really had to go! Before Ellie left for dance tonight I asked her repeatetly if she had to pee. Thankfully we didn't have an accident!
She is the sweetest little tap dancer around!

Posted by
Dains Family
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Food For Thought
As many of you already know, I'm a little on the bizzare side or should I say excentric! Rick gets a little tired of my wierd'o'ness, but hey, he knew what he was getting into when he married me!
We were sitting around the dinner table the other night eating an amazing meal of marinated grilled chicken, fresh corn, and basmati rice. I love rice so much that I blurted out that I could live off of rice the rest of my life and eat nothing else. Rick laughed and said yeah right and then refered back to the comment I made not to long ago about how I was going to give up sugar because I wanted to really know what it was like to go through withdraws (as many of you know my brother has been trying to keep a drug habit for a long time and I felt if he was going to give up drugs I would also try to give up something I was addicted to). Needless to say, the whole sugar thing didn't even last 2 days....what can I say, sugar is in just about everything! Sorry Sam, I tried to be supportive and keep my habit with you, but I just couldn't do it!
Back to the whole rice deal- it sparked a conversation about what food you would choose if you could only choose one food to live off of the rest of your life. Rick chose Polish gross! Seriously, one food in the whole entire world and he choose's sausage. That gives me a stomach ache just thinking of it. I posed the question to a couple of co-workers and they both agreed on pizza. Once again, I have to say that it makes me ill to think of living off of pizza. You just can't go wrong with rice. I'm sticking with my first choice!!!! What would you choose?
Posted by
Dains Family
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
We have a new addition to the family! Her name is Peaches and she's 5 months old. She is the sweetest puppy around! Rick has been talking about a dog ever since we got married. Last year when we bought our house he started planning for its arrival. He installed a new fence (which at the time he said was to keep the kids in, but in reality it was for a dog), and has been talking and bringing home pictures and books about dogs non-stop. I was really starting to get annoyed with the whole subject, I tend to be more of a cat person or no animal at all person. Then, the people that live on the street next to us had a puppy that they were getting rid of. Rick was right there begging for the pup. To make a long story short the couple that we got the dog from broke up and they were arguing who would get the puppy, since they couldn't decide they choose to give her away. Their lose, our win! She really is an amazing pup. She loves the kids and is a lot of fun to be around. Now were thinking of re-naming our cat, Nora, to Cream. Then we'd have Peaches and Cream!
Posted by
Dains Family
Monday, August 28, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Ok, I'm a little ticked off right now. I sent some good quality time blogging about this past weekend and how we had so much fun at the Dream Cruise and then I went to spell check it and the whole dang thing disappeared. Sorry to tell all of you, there will be no more spell checking! And, I'm not going to apoligize for misspelled words.....I just don't care!As for the lost blog, I will try to sum it up nice and sweet. We all (my family, Susan's family, and mom & dad) went to the Dream Cruise this past weekend. It was a lot of fun. Ben, Susan's husband, was a big old goof ball and danced around on the front lawn of the Chapel trying to make the cars with hydrolics dance with him. If you've never seen a car dance before you're missing out. It really is cool how they can get them to hop around.
The original blog had more details, but that's life get what you get!
Posted by
Dains Family
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Aiden Turns 2!!!
Last week was a busy week. My baby, Aiden, turned 2 years old! My Aunt Nancy once told me that she celebrated her birthday for a week, she figured if the Jews could celebrate Chanuka for a week, why not celebrate birthdays that long too. I absolutely loved that idea, so ever since birthdays in my house are a week long celebration.
We started off the week celebrating at my In-Laws house. Not only does Aiden have an August birthday, but so does everyone else that lives in Michigan!!! Happy Birthday Day- Emmy, Cindy, Hunter, Susan, Emily, and Nicholas! Aiden got to go swimming, eat cake, and open gifts with his Emmy and Poppy.
On Saturday we had a little birthday party for the neighborhood kids (I figured since there always at my house anyways, this was a great excuse for them to bring gifts!!!). The kids had a blast. My neighbors recently had a pool installed, so we made it a swimming party. Aiden more than loved the attention.
We ended the week celebrating Aiden's and Susan's birthday at my mom's house. Aiden got the Superman pj's from Grandma. When Nicholas was his age he had a pair that he looked so stink'n cute in, so of course Aiden had to have a pair too.

I know you can't see the cake too well in the top picture, but I have to explain all that went on it. My mom really wanted the cake to be fun for Aiden and Susan so she first thought about decorating it with M&M's (one of Aiden's favorite treats). She then thought about Susan and her favorite treat, Mallow Cups. Not only is the cake loaded with M&M's, but it is also topped with Mallow was quite the hit!
Happy Birthday to all the August Birthday's!!!!
Posted by
Dains Family
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Favorite Pictures!
I'm kind of bummed because my new camera that I got in February is having issues. The lense won't open so I can't take any new pictures. I have to send the camera into Sony for a partial warranty repair. They will cover parts but I still have to pay $129 for the labor (which I think is totally unfair because it is still pretty new, but ohh well that's life). So I've decided to post some of my favorite pictures of my kids. That way, people who don't live around us can still see how they've grown.
Nicholas is turning 11 on August 26th, Ellie turns 3 on Dec. 10th and Aiden turns 2 on August 9th. Enjoy!
This is a pretty recent picture of Aiden. He's turned into such a happy baby (the first 7 month's were grueling...colic sucks!).
These pictures were taken right before Easter. She's such a little princess!
I couldn't resist this picture of Nicholas. He was a punk for Halloween last year. The picture doesn't do the costume justice. He had piercings all over his face, a huge mohac, and all the jewelry to go along with it. I can just imagine in a couple of years him wanting to dress like this all the time! By the way, he is flipping the camera off....that little punk!
Posted by
Dains Family
Friday, July 21, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Ok, everyone else has already jumped on the bandwagon of blogging, so I figured I'd start my own! There's nothing worse than being the last one to jump on a new trend!
This past weekend Rick and I took the kids up north to Caseville, MI. We had a great time hanging out at the beach, it was a blast. Aiden is my little dare devil! He was jumping into the little waves with no fear. Ellie was more interested in the sand and digging herself a whole than the water, don't get me wrong, she spent hours in the water, but the sand was her thing. As for Nicholas, I would occassionaly look off in the distance to make sure that he was still alive. That poor child is so sunburned!
As fun as the beach was, I'm glad to be home. I really missed the air conditioning and my daily routines. I spend hours each day out side tending to my garden (I ate my first tomato from my garden yesterday!!!!). Now I'm back to work and very content with it.
I promise to blog on a regular basis, but I guarantee it won't be as much as others. Time is such a precious thing. Enjoy the pictures.
Posted by
Dains Family
Monday, July 17, 2006