Thursday, August 31, 2006

Food For Thought

As many of you already know, I'm a little on the bizzare side or should I say excentric! Rick gets a little tired of my wierd'o'ness, but hey, he knew what he was getting into when he married me!

We were sitting around the dinner table the other night eating an amazing meal of marinated grilled chicken, fresh corn, and basmati rice. I love rice so much that I blurted out that I could live off of rice the rest of my life and eat nothing else. Rick laughed and said yeah right and then refered back to the comment I made not to long ago about how I was going to give up sugar because I wanted to really know what it was like to go through withdraws (as many of you know my brother has been trying to keep a drug habit for a long time and I felt if he was going to give up drugs I would also try to give up something I was addicted to). Needless to say, the whole sugar thing didn't even last 2 days....what can I say, sugar is in just about everything! Sorry Sam, I tried to be supportive and keep my habit with you, but I just couldn't do it!

Back to the whole rice deal- it sparked a conversation about what food you would choose if you could only choose one food to live off of the rest of your life. Rick chose Polish gross! Seriously, one food in the whole entire world and he choose's sausage. That gives me a stomach ache just thinking of it. I posed the question to a couple of co-workers and they both agreed on pizza. Once again, I have to say that it makes me ill to think of living off of pizza. You just can't go wrong with rice. I'm sticking with my first choice!!!! What would you choose?


Anonymous said...

I would say that chicken and rice would be a very good choice, but then again, so would tuna fish sandwiches (from tim horton's of course)

Dains Family said...

I can vouch that one can live off of tuna sandwiches. Not only did I eat tunafish and pickle sandwiches everyday of my life while I was in grade school, my son also did the same! Panera Bread's Tuna Fish Sandwich is way better than Tim Horton's!!!

Dains Family said...

Have you tried Special K with Berries and Yogurt? It's my new favorite cereal. I swear you'll love it!

Sara & Mike said...

Just stopping in to say hello. Love the blog. I hope you keep up with it. One post a week will keep your readers happy.

Sorry, there is no way I could limit myself to only one food.


Anonymous said...

I think my one food would be special k with strawberries. I have it for breakfast every day and never get sick of it!