Aiden Turns 2!!!
Last week was a busy week. My baby, Aiden, turned 2 years old! My Aunt Nancy once told me that she celebrated her birthday for a week, she figured if the Jews could celebrate Chanuka for a week, why not celebrate birthdays that long too. I absolutely loved that idea, so ever since birthdays in my house are a week long celebration.
We started off the week celebrating at my In-Laws house. Not only does Aiden have an August birthday, but so does everyone else that lives in Michigan!!! Happy Birthday Day- Emmy, Cindy, Hunter, Susan, Emily, and Nicholas! Aiden got to go swimming, eat cake, and open gifts with his Emmy and Poppy.
On Saturday we had a little birthday party for the neighborhood kids (I figured since there always at my house anyways, this was a great excuse for them to bring gifts!!!). The kids had a blast. My neighbors recently had a pool installed, so we made it a swimming party. Aiden more than loved the attention.
We ended the week celebrating Aiden's and Susan's birthday at my mom's house. Aiden got the Superman pj's from Grandma. When Nicholas was his age he had a pair that he looked so stink'n cute in, so of course Aiden had to have a pair too.

I know you can't see the cake too well in the top picture, but I have to explain all that went on it. My mom really wanted the cake to be fun for Aiden and Susan so she first thought about decorating it with M&M's (one of Aiden's favorite treats). She then thought about Susan and her favorite treat, Mallow Cups. Not only is the cake loaded with M&M's, but it is also topped with Mallow was quite the hit!
Happy Birthday to all the August Birthday's!!!!
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