Saturday, April 07, 2007


It's that time of year again! Last night we had family night and dyed Easter eggs and watched Charlotte's Web. It wasn't exactly thrilling for Nicholas, but he entertained the two little kids. We'll be going to an Easter egg hunt at our neighbors house later on today, hopefully I'll snap some cute pictures to share.

I had to throw this next picture in because I thought it was so hilarious. Ellie got a new Easter hat to wear on Sunday so we were playing around in it the other day. This picture makes me laugh because it totally doesn't look like her. It's the goofiest expression.


Anonymous said...

Does Aiden ever wear clothing? He seems to always be in just his undies/diapers!!

Dains Family said...

Aiden NEVER wears clothes! Thankfully he'll keep his pull-up on. It kind of stink's that it's only 20 degrees outside, I guess that could explain the forever lasting cold he's had.

Dains Family said...

Ohhh, and if you'll notice , Ellie is wearing her bathng suit.....I think I need to move to a warm climate!